Monday, November 28, 2016

Time to Embody, Feel & Move It Out, Instead of Think It Out….

I woke up the other morning feeling a bit heavy in the head…much was going on for me…I felt like I had a lot to think about and talk about. And instead of writing, instead of thinking of “how I’d say this”. I paused, I went down to the ground…I felt. I dropped into the heart of the feeling…that pressure the lay heavy in my chest just waiting to be listened to, heard, felt and wanting to see if I’d just be with it. I just paused….all the energy drained out of my head and into my chest, into the feeling of this pressure, this heaviness…it spoke “yes, feel me, feel this…no need to think it, feel it”…so I just stayed there being with every single sensation, feeling almost immediately the pressure being off of me, as all it wanted was my attention…the answer isn’t in “speaking to someone” the answer lies “inside me”. There is no “out there”, there is only “this moment, this feeling”…so I sat with it, moved with it, felt it, allowed it to move through me. I finally stood up to have my friend walk in and ask “are you ok” and that is when a few tears came to the surface…those 3 so precious words of care and love that touch so deeply….  I felt so cared for not only by myself for listening, but by my friend. The pressure that I felt only 20  or less minutes before had left and caused space for him to ask…and love is all that was pouring in. 

It’s time to feel…embody all that we feel, sense, and move with that…I remember as a child I danced 3-5 hours everyday…except when I was hiking. And when I got into my 20’s I remember dancing and looking up into the mirror at one point and paused….what I saw was exquisite…something I’d never seen…it was anger….I was dancing anger….this is one powerful emotion that causes change in us like no other…it is a tool…I remember getting really close to my face and seeing it ooze out of each pore and how amazing it was…I didn’t fear it, I was getting to know it…it was my friend, it was everything I needed to be and feel in that moment and it wasn’t hurting anyone…including me…as it was dancing out of my body…a body that no longer had 3-5 hours to move each day and it was upset about it and needed to speak to me….so I continued it’s dance…the sweat flying, the power of it releasing through my cells until peace was there…that was my first time meeting my anger…what a beautiful experience. 

If we all just moved with all of our emotions…what a wondrous world this would be…let them out, set them free…let them be felt and heard and need to yell at anyone…most of the time…we are screaming to be heard, most TO HEAR OURSELF…FEEL OURSELF, BE WITH OURSELF. As really, this is who we most need to be heard by and honored by. So listen to your heart, your emotions, be with them…love them, dance with them…let them out, let them be free…let them be lived through the sound of your body moving and sounds of your voice…in nature, alone in your room…anywhere you can move…in a bathroom stall…just feel and be and move it all out…and if you can make sound…I prefer gibberish…let it be heard by you..felt and sounded to be released, honored and enjoyed…as the emptying of this all leave space for joy, love, peace, relief, release…passions to take flight…ideas to come to fruition…plant that seed by feeling it all first…and then letting it all sprout forth!

Dance, feel, move and be with it all….let your emotions free, let them be danced out!

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